This Just In...News
From The Agony Column
09-12-08: Ann & Jeff VanderMeer Pick 'Best American Fantasy 2008'
; Agony Column Podcast News Report : Kathryn Petruccelli at Ping Pong
Release Party
Matthew Cheney
of Prime Books has a really cool idea for his 'Best American Fantasy 2008'
(Prime Books ; October 2008 ; $14.95). He's decided to have a rotating
series of guest editors to choose the stories each year. This is apparently
the Year of the VanderMeer, with Ann & Jeff taking
the helm to bring you their idea of the best fantasy stories of this year.
If you want to see the best writing, the most original writing and most
unusual writing being done in America, look no further. Here you go, your
one stop shop for great short stories. This is not to say that this book
is the literary end-all and be-all. I don't want to oversell 'Best American
Fantasy 2008', but I can't imagine any reader, for work in any genre picking
this up without finding a LOT of great reading. It'll generally be stuff
you might never have suspected youd like, or even find printed,
but here it is compact and easy-to-carry.
The first thing you have to do is to jettison most every connotation of
the word "fantasy". The kind of fantasy you find in bookstores
racked with unicorns and elves on the covers. This is the kind of fantasy
you might have yourself if you found a deer, injured by a car lying at
the side of the road; at least if youre M. Rickert, writing "Memoir
of a Deer Woman." So look for work not by the authors of tome-like
trilogies, but by writers like Rick Moody ("Story With Advice II:
Back from the Dead") or Aimee Bender ("Interval"). That
is look for writing that emphasize the surreal and experiential nature
of the stories we tell ourselves to piece together life, one weird fragment
at a time. If you've read this website before, or if you've read any of
the work of Jeff VanderMeer, or the other (usually prize-winning) anthologies
he and his wife Ann have edited, then you should have a pretty good idea
what to expect. That would be fiction that hangs perfectly in the balance
between literary experimentation and power-pulp prose that's raw and edgy.
The stories are up-front. Theyre not evasive, even when they're
plunging the reader into hallucination. If you're looking for traditional
genre fiction, dont look here, though a few of stories are by genre
authors and most of them will appeal to genre fiction readers. If you're
looking for high-falutin', starin' out the window stories of humdrum meaningfulness,
dont look here, though readers who enjoy exploring carefully crafted
characters will find them in every work. No, 'Best American Fantasy 2008'
is pretty much a Twilight Zone, where anything can happen so long as its
well written and compelling and a little odd. Sometimes a lot odd.
For example, you'll find "The Drowned Life" by Jeffrey Ford,
which was podcast via this website. And you'll find Peter S. Beagle's
"The Last and Only, or, Mr. Moscowitz Becomes French." You'll
find Kage Baker and Deborah Coates; a nice mix of well-known and should-be
well-known. You'll find stories of lives you'd love to live and lives
you could never have imagined. Fantasy is being re-defined by your mind.
And next year, another (set of) editor(s) to define it again. We may know
the future, but we dont know ourselves.
Agony Column Podcast
News Report : Kathryn Petruccelli at Ping Pong Release Party : Magnus
Toren Sings for His Supper
For the final report
from Ping Pong, we have Kathryn Petruccelli's fine recording
of Henry Miller Library Director Magnus Toren doing some
songs that I'll not spoil in the least – at least, not by telling
you anything about them! Suffice it to say that Toren has played with
the venerable (who EVER thought I'd use that word in association with
...) John Doe of X. Do we need any better credentials that that? I
dont think so, and you wont either after you download this
linked audio file. Have a fun Friday!
09-11-08: Steven Lee Beeber is 'Awake!' ; Agony Column Podcast News
Report : Seana Graham Reports on Ping Pong and Speculative Literature
Insomnia Rulez
up late, are we? Or just waking up early? |
I'm not sure how many
readers popped over to Amazon
to read the interview with me, conducted by the stellar Jeff VanderMeer.
But those who did may have noted what is in large part responsible for
my ability to bring you give days a week of news reports for like, four
years(?), let me check now .... Well, it'll be five come December 31,
2008 – and five days a week of podcasting for just a bit more than
a year now. In a word, Insomnia.
I've always had trouble sleeping, or more correctly, I've never needed
as much sleep as most humans. Even when I was a small child, I remember
waking up at 2 AM and looking at the ceiling, tossing and turning. The
reason hit home a few years ago, when my mother, my uncle and I were standing
around, and my uncle mentioned that he'd had no trouble driving the distance
to get to the gathering because he just normally woke up at 3:30 AM, to
which my mother replied, so did she, to which I replied ... "So do
I." Problem solved, as it were, or if not solved, at last understood.
We Kaufman-Kleffels dont need so much stinkin' sleep, and that
gives me about four hours a day that most people dont have to do
stuff most people dont have time to do. Including blathering on
about books like 'Awake! A Reader for the Sleepless' (Soft Skull Press
; October 28, 2007 ; $15.95) edited by Steven Lee Beeber
and apparently sent to me by someone who did read that interview,
no? And another one hits the stack by the side of the bed.
There are, I would presume, two types of insomnia. One would be an inability
to fall asleep and the other an inability to remain asleep. I am one of
the latter, not the former. So when I lay down before I sleep, I can either
turn out the lights and drop off instantly, or remain stark, staring wide-eyed
awake until such time my internal "Off" clicks over. Sometimes
I like to take a break from whatever else I'm reading and dip into one
of the many tomes at the bedside. To my mind there ought to be a Bedside
Reading genre, and apparently, starting last year, Beeber laid claim to
this quite fertile territory. He's now the King Thereof and with good
reason. 'Awake!' is alas no cure for insomnia. That said, it's an anthology
chock full of nice nuggets to read in bed before you decide to sleep,
or before your internal "shutdown 0" process completes its run.
'Awake!" pulls in nice short pieces from a huge variety of writers
and offers work in just about any style imaginable, with more than a few
written in styles you simply couldn't imagine. There are lists, poetry,
prose, non-fiction, fiction, illustrations and just plain weirdness. There
are comics and comix, illustrations and pitchers, all offered in an eight-day
week, because, well, when you dont sleep, the week is actually,
factually, experientially longer. It's 350 pages of keep you amused while
you're forced to be awake goodness. Contributors include Lydia Lunch (remember
"No New York"?), John Sayles, Cricket Suicide, Steve Almond,
Jonathan Ames (a friend has been trying to get me to read this guy for
like five months now), Louise Bourgeois (insomnia drawings, very cool),
Darin Straus, Margaret Atwood, Neal Pollack ... and more. It's really
very diverse and exceptionally readable for such a project. It's done
with the perfect combination of seriousness and humor. Plus it's pretty
cheap. It's enough to keep you awake at night just wanting the book to
read it.
Agony Column Podcast
News Report : Seana Graham Reports on Ping Pong and Speculative Literature
: Book Store Writers
Fortunately for ME,
one of the few people Kathryn did not have time to speak with at the Ping
Pong release party was the redoubtable Seana Graham.
Seana was one of the lucky folks to end up in 'The
Best of LCRW' (I can abbreviate that now, can't I? Please?), and getting
her perspective on the process will give my listeners yet another scintilla
of insight into the wild and weird world of publishing, to wit –
the wisdom of hanging about yon local bookstore should one be interested
in publication. Seana
and I sort it all out for you in this linked audio file!
09-10-08: A Review of 'The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule' by
Thomas Frank ; Agony Column Podcast News Report : Kathryn Petruccelli
at Ping Pong Release Party
Polemic on the
nervous breakdown. |
Today, I'm publishing
my review of 'The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule' by Thomas
Frank. In my interview with Frank,
he expressed his admiration of the polemic form and H. L Mencken in particular.
It's not surprising when you read his book, which is a fire-breathing
destructo-ray aimed at the neo-conservative men who have effectively ruled
this country since the dark, dreary days of Reagan. It certainly preaches
entertainingly well to the converted, backing up its claims with extensive
footnotes. But beyond the Opinion Column, "Letters to the Editor"
partisan appeal, how does this book read? You
can read my review right here. It's all opinion, all the time at the
Agony Column!
Agony Column Podcast
News Report : Kathryn Petruccelli at Ping Pong Release Party : Christine
Hamm and Children Who Have Trouble With Meat
Today's podcast continues
Kathryn Petrucelli's reports from the Ping Pong release
party. She speaks with contributor and poet Christine
Hamm about her work both for Ping Pong and about her poetry
in general.
I have to say that Ping Pong is sounding like a very "genre-friendly"
literary journal. Hamm's work has been compared to Stephen King –
not a common reference point for poets! You
can hear the entire interview from this link.
09-09-08: Terry D'Auray Reviews 'The 19th Wife' : Agony Column Podcast
News Report : Gayle Shanks, President of the ABA and Bookseller for
Changing Hands
Diary of an Excommunicated
Today, we're running
Terry D'Auray's review of 'The 19th Wife' by David
Ebershoff. Ebershoff's novel is not necessarily Terry's normal
beat. The narrative is comprised of two rather different components; one
if the entirely fictional diary of Brigham Young's 19th wife, written
in the stilted prose of the period. The other is a current day mystery
that involves a member of the FLDS; that is, those who still practice
polygamy. I'll mention that the advance marketing campaign for this book
was brilliant, with a series of mysterious postcards fronted by pictures
of "wives". If
youre looking for an epic "get lost in it" historical
novel with a current-day tie in, read Terry's review here.
Agony Column Podcast
News Report : Gayle Shanks, President of the ABA and Bookseller for
Changing Hands : "Amazon is killing us"
Today's Agony Column
Podcast News Report is my interview with Gayle Shanks,
co-owner of Changing Hands Bookstore
in Tempe, Arizona, and the current President of the American
Booksellers Association.
I talked to her about her journey as a bookseller, from the time she and
a friend opened a hippy bookstore in Tempe for $500 in 1974, to the current
incarnation of that bookstore which hosts over 350 events per year. She's
not shy about what she does to keep in business. If you read, you need
to get books and you want to get books from people, not pixels. Listen
to this interview and let Gale Shanks tell you why.
A 2008 Interview With Kathleen Ann Goonan :
"...just before
Kathleen Ann
Goonan's 'In
War Times' was easily one of my favorites of last year. It was exciting
to read, had a great SF-nal MaGuffin, and most importantly, created three
generations of characters who came to life. It had an epic sweep and a
huge emotional impact, but it wasn't epic length. For this week's podcast,
I spoke with Goonan about this novel and the one she's currently working
on, a sequel of sorts that extends the reach of her wonderful vision.
Our conversation went in a direction Id not anticipated but greatly
welcomed – Goonan's interest in teaching and the technologies of
teaching. What she said reflects back through 'In War Times' and illuminates
a lot of what takes place. You
can hear our conversation via this link; but if you've not read 'In
War Times', dont wait to do so. Get a first edition hardcover and
treasure it. In fact get two, it's the kind of book you'll want to give
to our children.